The endless knot



Wenn vom Norden eisige Winde/und die Welt gefriert/Kommen die Eisriesen/ Auf die Erde zurück/Unter dem nördlichen Himmelszelt/Brennt der Weltenbrand/RAGNARÖK

Då Nordan blir rasa for rätt/ Och jorden tå frosten i grip/Kommer den isjätten/Ned på världen til end /mellan himmel och marken/Brenna fimbulvetr/RAGNARÖK

While the winds from northern lands/Under frost the grounds may lay still/Thats the return oft the icegiants/Back to earth from exil/Gaze upon the nordic sky/ There has set the world afire/ RAGNARÖK

Und wenn de Nordwind blybt/die ganz Welt gfrore wird/chömed Sie, d’Ysryse/zrugg uf d`Erde,zu üs/gen Norde,ir Ferni brennt lang/ underem Himmel de Weltebrand/RAGNARÖK

Translation english

When from North icy wind/and the world freezes/Comes the Icegiants/back to eart/under the northly firmament/burning global conflagration/RAGNARÖK

As Northwind will rage for right/and the frost took the ground in grip/comes the Icegiant/down to world to the end/between heaven and country/burning „fimbulwinter“/RAGNARÖK

While the winds from northen lands/Under frost the grounds may lay still/Thats the return oft he isgiants/Back to erth from exil/Gaze upon the nordic sky/ Ther has set the world afire/ RAGNARÖK

And when the northwind stays/The whole world get freeze/The come, the Icegiants/back to earth, to us/towards northly, afar burning long/under the sky the global conflagration/RAGNARÖK