
The old woman

This is a song inspired from a text taken from 
the "Tessiner Zeitung". 
It's a saga from a little vally in south switzerland

A long time ago living in a valley, an old lonely woman only with goat and straw

In the near river, she stored the straw / With this wet material she made hats of straw

One day in the winter, the weather was bad, a stranger knocked to your rotten door

As the weather improved, the visitor thanked and the old woman got a wish still free

That’s my straw in the river, no longer be stolen / Everyone who tries,  trapped in the river

Soon after that came Death passing by / She asks the Death, for a final wish

A last hat of straw she still wants to weave / So Death went to the river and was caught there too

After some times, they released Mr. Death and went with him, on your last trip (on their final trip)